• Centre for Integral Learning (CITRA)
  • citra@um.edu.my
  • 03-79675410


What is an Industrial Training?

An internship is a work experience in an on- or off-campus setting for which a student receives academic credit.  At the end of the Industrial Training Programme, students should be able to improve their knowledge and skills relevant to their areas of specialisation and at the same time able to relate, apply and adapt relevant knowledge, concepts and theories within an industrial organisation, practice and ethics. With this experience and exposure the students should be able to acquire knowledge and skills to compete in the job market.




Q1.   When do I need to start looking a place for industrial training?     

You should start search and applying for place one (1) semester before for local placement and at least two (2) semesters for placement abroad

Q2.   Where can I search for a list of potential industrial placement offer?

The list of potential industrial training placement can be viewed at CITrA’s website. 

Q3.   How can I find or decide on what is a suitable internship Placement?

- Start by analyzing your skills and interests, academic and career goals.

- Think about what kind of experiences you want. What kinds of organizations sound intriguing? What are your constraints? When can you begin and end? Any geographical limitations?

- Gather as much information on the organization. (e.g., feedback from previous intern)

- Narrow your search to a manageable number of organizations, and rank them according to some criteria (e.g., your favorite, ideal locations, stipend available, Potential place for future employment, will it add value to my degree programme etc.).

- Try to get complete information on what each organization does, whether or not they have a formal internship program, and any application requirements.

- Develop a plan for contacting each organization, either by phone or email. Review your resume to be sure it "speaks" to the organization or the internship requirements.

- Follow-up! This is shows your level of interest and commitment. 

Q4.    Can I do my industrial training in accompany owned by my family?

No you can’t. The university believes it is important for students to have an industrial training experience in the workplace, outside of a family setting. 

Q5.   Can I do my industrial training in University of Malaya (UM)?

​You are strongly not encouraged to do so, but we will consider case by case. (PPUM is not considered as UM).

Q6.   As an international student, can I apply for placement in Malaysia?

Yes, you are encouraged to undergo your industrial training in Malaysia. Please contact your industrial training coordinator or CITra if you are facing any problems getting a  position in Malaysia.

Q7.    I would like to do my industrial training overseas, what do I need to do?

First, you need to get advice and approval from your Faculty/Academy/Centre. Then only you can proceed to look for the potential placement. 

Q8.    If I’m planning to undergo my industrial training overseas, what are the process and procedure?

Once you get an approval to undergo your Industrial Training Overseas from your Industrial Training Coordinator, please refer to Appendix 1 (Foreign Country Industrial Training Guideline) for further instruction.

Q9.  Once I’ve identify a suitable placement, what should I do next?

Once you have identified a placement, you need to write in and send your application with your resume to the organization. If the organization required an official letter of  application (with the UM letter head), you can get it from your industrial training coordinator at the Faculty/Academy/Centre.

Please make sure to follow-up with the organization on your application status. Please keep in mind; you need to confirm your industrial training placement in week 10. Therefore, please make sure that you got your confirmation of placement (offer letter/email from the company) within the time frame.

Q10.  I'm having difficulties getting industrial training placement, what can I do?

There is no easy answer in finding an industrial training placement. You need to be persisting and not give up too easily.

Please keep in mind; you need to confirm your industrial training placement in week 10. By week 10, if you still haven’t got your placement, please inform your industrial training coordinator IMMEDIATELY for further advice.

Q11.  Furthermore from the situation in Q10, what are the consequences if I fail to find my industrial training placement within the specified time? 

We consider industrial training is a compulsory subject that you must take in your course. In this situation, you can just choose to drop the subject and register again the next  semester or next time when it is offered. Please make sure that you have already consulted with your industrial training coordinator before making the decision.

Q12.  When do I need to register for my industrial training placement?

Once you obtained the confirmation/offer letter from the company, then you need to register the organization details in MyUM at http://myum.um.edu.my.

The system is open one semester before your industrial training. Please refer with CITrA or your Faculty/Academy/Centre for the exact date.


If you having difficulties to register, please refer the E-Industrial Training User Manual

Please make sure that you completed you industrial training registration process within the specified time. Student will be penalized if unable to do so.

Q13. The employer wants some sort of insurance letter, what is it and can I get one?

In short there is no need for us to provide you with an insurance letter. As long as your registered and your status is active as a UM students you are covered by the UM group insurance (please visit the http://www.hepa.um.edu.my/student-support/students-support). This included during your industrial training. If the company needs details, you can request for the insurance cover letter through this email: srw_hep@um.edu.my.


Q14.  When should I attend the Industrial Training Preparatory Workshop?

Please make sure that you attend the workshop one semester before your industrial training.

Q15. What happened if I did not attend Industrial Training Preparatory Workshop?

You are not allowed to register for the Industrial Training Course.

Q16.  When is the next Industrial Training Preparatory Workshop?

Please refer to CITrA’s website for further details on the workshop.


Q17. What should I do if I got problems at organisation?

Please contact and inform CITrA and your coordinator immediately.

Q18.  Can I take leave during my industrial training period? 

No, you are not allowed to take leave during the industrial training period unless you got approval from the company.


If students were absent from work during the industrial training for more than a week (due to sickness, accident or any other reasons), please make sure that you replace the days that you have been absent in order for your to fulfil your program requirement that will affect you grade.

Q19. Can I change the commencing (and ending) date and duration of the industrial training?

No, you cannot change the date and the duration unless you have an acceptable reasons and got approval from the Faculty/Academy/Centre and the company.

Q20. Can I change my company after starting my industrial training for a few weeks? 

No, you cannot. In fact you should accept offer from one company only. Unless there is a serious problem such as sexual harassment.

Q21. Can my industrial training duration be extended beyond the duration required by the university?

You only need to fulfil the duration required by the university. If you would like to extend because it is already your final semester, then you can proceed, but it’s on your own responsibilities 

Q22. What are the documents I need to submit during my industrial training?

You are required to send the Confirmation of Industrial Training Placement form (UM-PT01-PK01-BR074-S00) to your Industrial Training co-ordinator within two (2) weeks of the date of report for duty.

Please do follow-up with your industrial training coordinator from time-to time to make sure that you have submitted other required documents (if any).


During the internship, make sure you are professional at all times and it is important that you:

To show up on time;
To maintain discipline and abide by all rules and regulations enforced by the organisation;
To follow through on all projects and requests;
To ssk questions so you ensure you understand what you are supposed to be doing;
To ask for clarification on tasks you are unsure about;
To be respectful of employees;
To be respectful of the organization’s culture;
To carry out the Industrial Training in an ethical and professional manner;
To uphold the reputation of University of Malaya at all times;
To maintain confidentiality and to not disseminate/share any information related to the organisation to third parties;
To be responsible for maintaining the security of properties belonging to the organisation;


You are there to learn. Take full advantage of the opportunity. Often employers will increase responsibility and give more opportunity to you if you work hard and produce high quality results. This is also an opportunity for you to end your training with a full-time employment offer. You will never know what can happen if you show you can add value to the organization.


Q23. I've come to the end of my industrial training program. What should I do to make sure that I’ve completed my industrial training successfully?

Please submit the Industrial Training report and log book to the faculty within the specified time.
Please ensure that all forms of assessments required by the faculty have been carried out.

Last Update: 05/04/2024